Style Consultation On Zoom
Make yourself a cup of coffee, get comfortable and meet your personal stylist via video call... A whole hour, online, one to one, to address all those styling questions you've always wanted to ask!
What's included in your session:
- A pre-session questionnaire to enable me to tailor your session uniquely to you.
- Tips on how to dress for your individual shape, personality and lifestyle.
- Advice on colours, tones and prints that will light you up.
- Suggested brands, trends and stores that will really work for you.
- Ideas on how to update last season’s wardrobe by adding just a few pieces and creating fresh outfits with what you already own.
- Styling advice for a specific occasion or upcoming trip.
To schedule your date and time:
After purchasing your session please go to 'Contact' to schedule your date and time.
If you have any questions at all, do message me in 'Contact' or call me on +44 (0)7595 942 338